GROW Scholarships
The GROW Consortium is a group of four school districts (Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie and Wisconsin Heights) who offer two tiers of scholarships to students who are committed to teaching.
GROW 2 Scholarship
The GROW 2 scholarship is available to students who are in their 3rd-6th semester of college and who have declared a major in education.
The scholarship is $2000 (paid in $1000 installments). While preference is given to alumni of Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie and Wisconsin Heights school districts, scholarships may be awarded to non-alumni as well.
There are four scholarships available.
GROW 3 Scholarship for College Students
The GROW 3 scholarship is available to students who will be student teaching and graduating during the 2025-2026 school year. The GROW 3 scholarship is $10,000.
If awarded the scholarship, winners sign a contract that they will apply and interview in the four districts (Lodi, Cambridge, Sauk Prairie or Wisconsin Heights) and if offered a contract, work for the district for three years. While preference is given to alumni of Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie and Wisconsin Heights school districts, scholarships may be awarded to non-alumni as well.
There are five scholarships available.
Visit our website below for links to the GROW scholarship applications.