Sauk Prairie School District
Phone: 608-643-5984
The school district your home is located within is your resident district. The Sauk Prairie School District allows non-resident students to attend school in the Sauk Prairie School District and Sauk Prairie School District resident students are permitted to attend school in other/non-resident districts. Wisconsin students in grades kindergarten through twelfth may apply to participate in open enrollment. Parents/guardians may apply to no more than three different non-resident school districts in a particular school year. There is no additional tuition cost to parents for their children’s participation in open enrollment. One may apply for pre-kindergarten (4K) only if their current resident district offers a pre-kindergarten (4K) program. Parents may be charged the same fees as resident students (for example: extra-curricular activity or annual District Registration fees). Transportation for open enrolled students is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
When can I apply for Open Enrollment for the upcoming school year?
The open enrollment application period for the 2024-25 school year has ended. If you wish to apply for open enrollment, you must now apply using an alternate open enrollment application. See below for more details about the alternate open enrollment process.
Is there guidance on how to fill out the online Open Enrollment application?
Yes, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has created screenshots of the open enrollment application pages that many families have found helpful. Please click the link below to access the DPI screenshots.
DPI Open Enrollment Application Guide/Screenshots
When can I apply for Alternative Open Enrollment for the current school year?
Under certain exceptions, a parent can apply for open enrollment throughout the year by completing the Alternative Application Open Enrollment paperwork. These applications are accepted beginning on July 1st for the school year beginning that September, but may occur at any time during the school year. The parent/guardian must specify at least one of the allowable criteria upon which the request is based and provide an explanation of the circumstances leading to the request. In some cases, the parent/guardian may be required to submit additional documents.
How do I apply for Open Enrollment or Alternative Open Enrollment?
Both the open enrollment and alternative application for open enrollment forms are available on the Department of Public Instruction Open Enrollment website. Please submit the completed open enrollment paperwork to the non-resident school district.
If you have any questions about whether your child should open enroll, it is strongly recommended that you contact the non-resident school district before submitting an application to discuss the possibility of your child's transfer. Please contact the District Registrar, Stephanie Tarnutzer.
Sauk Prairie School District
Phone: 608-643-5984